Die eLearningGuild hat kürzlich ein WhitePaper zum Thema “Using Enhanced Realities for Learning: Are You Ready?” (von Sharon Vipond) veröffentlicht. Im Mittelpunkt steht ein Selbst-Check zur Selbstverortung in diesem Themengebiet. Ich fand aber die Literaturhinweise am Ende hilfreich. Hier ein kurzer Auszug…
- Bergamasco, Bardy, and Gopher, editors, Skill Training in Multimodal Virtual Environments
- Burns, Deeper Learning With QR Codes and Augmented Reality: A Scannable Solution for Your Classroom
- Dunleavy, “Design Principles for Augmented Reality Learning”
- Dunleavy and Dede, “Augmented Reality Teaching and Learning”
- Kapp and O’Driscoll, Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration
- Kelly, editor, AR, VR, and Enhanced Realities: Seven Perspectives on the Potential and Risks for Learning
- Miller and Dousay, “Implementing Augmented Reality in the Classroom”
- Pagano, Immersive Learning: Designing for Authentic Practice
- Sheehy, Ferguson, and Clough, Augmented Education: Bringing Real and Virtual Learning Together
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