Wir interessieren uns u.a. für die Gestaltung einer “lernförderlichen Rolle von Führungskräften” (http://www.scil.ch/index.php?id=458). In diesem Kontext sind die Ergebnisse der neu veröffentlichten Studie von CIPD interessant:
“Overall, employees are most likely to feel that their managers are always/usually committed to their organisation (74%) and treat them fairly (71%). On the other hand, employees are least likely to say that their manager always/usually coaches them on the job (29%), discusses their training and development needs (41%) or gives them feedback on how they are performing (45%)”. (CIPD Studie: Employee Outlook, Spring 2012)
Den kostenlosen Kurz-Bericht mit weiteren Themen, wie z.B. “Job satisfaction”, “Pressure at work” oder “Work-life Balance”, finden Sie hier: http://www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/survey-reports/employee-outlook-spring-2012.aspx
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